Our legacy

Congratulations on all that you have achieved in the last 8 years and also excellent to hear about your next ventures, I am glad to read that you have found new exciting initiatives to be part of, I wish you much success!

It has been a privilege to be part of that journey, particularly through the Comic Relief project. Your values-led, collaborative approach has set a powerful example of what’s possible when expertise is combined with trust, compassion, and a shared commitment to positive change. It stands as a strong demonstration of the cooperative and essential model needed for delivering meaningful and lasting social impact.

While it’s a shame to see Dot Project closing, it’s clear that you’ve made a huge and lasting impact over the past eight years. Supporting over 1,000 organisations and 2,000 individuals is no small feat, and the way you’ve embedded collaboration and adaptability into your work has been truly inspiring.

Thank you for all the projects,  thank you for helping me build my confidence and expand my skills, thank you for being so kind and beautiful to me.  

I feel super proud to have worked alongside you and to have been able to get to know you all professional and personally.

I'm sad to see Dot Project close because that particular organisation has been a great touchstone for me over the years. But I've always said that more organisations should get to the point of being able to say "we're closing, our job is done" - even if there's still lots to do - so it's fab you've done that.

Your journey has been an important one for the sector and I know that the impact you have created has been immense and extremely supportive for clients, partners and stakeholders alike.

 I hope you’re tremendously proud of what you built over the last eight years—creating something that gave so many members and collaborators a space to work differently, to feel supported, and to do meaningful work in a way that aligned with their values. That kind of space doesn’t exist everywhere, and what you created was truly special

I am so sorry to hear this news, what a loss to the sector! As you know I have been a massive fan of your work and benefited so much personally and organisationally from your support.

You certainly did things differently which enabled organisations with little digital confidence and capacity to learn and develop at our pace, and feel supported throughout.

Delighted that the Digital Strategy Accelerator will continue, and of course, Tech4Good SW.

Thank you for your heartfelt message and for sharing the incredible journey of Dot Project. While it’s bittersweet to see this chapter come to a close, the impact you’ve made—supporting over a thousand organisations and countless individuals—will undoubtedly continue to resonate long into the future.

You are rightly proud of the work you have done and what you have achieved as the Dot Project over the past 8 years.

We enjoyed working with you and engaging with our staff and are appreciative of your advice and support as we manage our growth. I'm sure you will take all your experience into your new ventures and we wish you all well in those!

Key initiatives we are continuing with

We played a convening role in the communities in which we operated, bringing together individuals and organisations to collaborate and create positive change.

Digital Strategy Accelerator

Developed in partnership with Charity Digital and Okta this initiative is now in it’s 3rd iteration, we will remain involved in shaping this support.

Tech for Good South West

We founded and incubated Tech for Good South West, a community of people across the South West driving positive outcomes for people and the planet through technology.

“The Tech for Good South-West network has been a huge support for our small charity. It’s helped us to connect with digital resources and skills in the local area, enhancing the digital support and knowledge we're able to share with our network of 200+ local third-sector organisations. A huge thank you to Annie and the rest of the team for always being friendly, supportive and approachable!”